Structural, Geophysical and Petrologic Studies into the Origins of Blue Ridge Mafic/Ultramafic Complexes

Highlights of the 1997 REU Summer Program

Abstracts of 1997 Summer Program Research, presented at the 1998 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting, Charleston, WV

Highlights of the 1998 REU Summer Program at the Buck Creek Complex, NC

Abstracts of 1998 Summer Program Research, presented at the 1998 GSA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, and the 1999 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting, Athens GA.

Highlights of the 2000 REU program at the Carroll Knob Complex, NC

Abstracts of the 2000 REU Program Research presented at the 2001 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting, Raleigh, NC.

Highlights of the 2001 REU program at the Webster-Addie and Balsam Gap complexes, NC

Presentations of REU Program Research presented at the 2002 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting, Lexington, KY.

REU Participants: Where are they now?


Lang, H., Lee, A., Peterson, V. and J.G. Ryan (2004) Coexisting clinpyroxene/spinel and amphibole/spinel symplectites in metatroctolites from the Buck Creek ultramafic body, North Carolina Blue Ridge, USA. American Mineralogist, v. 89, pp. 20-30.

Peterson, V.L., J.G. Ryan, S.P. Yurkovich, S.E. Kruse, and J. Burr (2003) A collaborative field-laboratory summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Geosciences.  CUR Quarterly, Sept. 2003 p. 5-9 (also published online,

Berger, S, Cochrane, D., Simons, K. Savov I., J.G. Ryan, and V.L Peterson (2001) Insights from rare earth elements into the genesis of the Buck Creek Complex and other Blue Ridge ultramafic bodies. Southeastern Geology, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 201-212.

Link to REU program pages, Western Carolina University

The Western Carolina/University of South Florida REU Site Program has run for four summers, 1997, 1998, 2000, and 2001, and has examined the field relations, structure, and geochemistry of four different ultramafic bodies (+associated mafic rock units) in the southern Blue Ridge of western North Carolina.  Our program is currently on hiatus.  Please feel free to contact us if you have questions, or wish to find out about our future plans.

Dr. Jeff Ryan,
Department of Geology,
University of South Florida,
4202 East Fowler Ave,
Tampa, FL 33620

Phone: (813) 974-6287
FAX (813) 974-2654



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