WCU/USF REU Program: Where are y'all now?  If you have updated info, email Jeff or email Ginny so we can pass it on! (pass on email addresses and we'll post them here, so we can all be in contact!


Alex Becker:

John Collins:  Last word was that he was at the University of Tennessee, in graduate school.

Bonnie Frey:  MS in Geochemistry, New Mexico Institute of Technology.  We last saw Bonnie at the 2004 GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, CO.  She is in Socorro, NM, working for the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources.  Email: bfrey@nmt.edu.

Phyllis Gaskin:

Scott Lucas:  M.S in Geology, Virginia Tech

Sam Manooch: Working in Raleigh, NC in environmental consulting, but then he got the bug again ,and went on for his MS and now his Ph.D., at East Carolina University.  Email:

Julie O'Leary:  She's pursuing her Ph.D. in Geochemistry at Caltech.  Email: oleary@gps.caltech.edu.

Jim Palmer:  Completing his M.S. in Hydrogeology, University of South Florida and working in the local consulting industry.

Kyla Simons: M.S., Geology, RSMAS, Univ. Miami.  Kyla has just about completed her Ph.D. at Columbia University, and presented some of her new work (on Li isotopes in jadeites) at the 2006 AGU Spring Meeting in Baltimore, in a special session Jeff co-convened.  She keeps in pretty regular touch with Jeff on things isotopic.  Email: ksimons@ldeo.columbia.edu

Tom Slusser: M.S. Geology, Wright State University. email: thomas.slusser@ncmail.net

Kim Stonesifer:  I ran into her in Hawaii (!!) in 09/02 - last I heard, she was in graduate school at Indiana State University.

Trista Thornberry:


Deborah Cochrane: Is now Deborah Veasey, recently remarried, and (according to Suzette) with a little one on the way!  Working in St. Petersburg, FL, and still email: debveasey@yahoo.com

Kerry Kates:  He worked in consulting in Colorado for a while, and he was heading back to school for a graduate degree in Environmental Engineering  Email: kkates41@yahoo.com

Aletha Lee Wachter:  M.S. Geology, Univ. Wisconsin, and newly married!  Check out her paper on Buck Creek troctolites (with Helen Lang, her undergraduate mentor) in American Mineralogist!

Mary Lindenberg:  At last look, pursuing her MS. in Hydrogeology at Univ. Florida

Ted Lizee:  At last contact, he was in San Fransisco, working for an environmental consulting firm.

Sam Meyers:  At last hear (a number of years back!) he was in the Marine Science program at the University of South Carolina

Annie McCoy:  Completed her MS at Univ. New Mexico, and taking a little time off to work and decide on Ph.D. options.
Email: anmahree@yahoo.com
Suzette Morman: She completed her MS in Environmental Geology at the University of Alabama, and moved to Colorado!  She's now working for the U.S. Geological Survey there.  Email: smorman@usgs.gov, or bergerSAS@netscape.net

Mike Olesky:

Tim Pauley: I got an email from Tim a while back - he was ferrying yachts between San Fransisco and Hawaii (not a bad gig!). His email:tjp2167@yahoo.com

Jeff Rahl:  He's finished his Ph.D. at Yale University, and is starting a post-doc at the University of Michigan. Jeff's a regular at GSA and AGU meetings - look for him there!!  Email: jrahl@umich.edu

Chris Thomas:  M.S. Geology, Vanderbilt University, followed by a Masters of Science Communication degree.  Chris is now working at Indiana Univeristy/Purdue University at Indianapolis, as a Lecturer and manager of online courses in their geoscience program.  Email:


Lauren Bierly:  I saw Lauren at the 2003 GSA, but got an  email from her during the  summer of 2004 - she graduated from Purdue with her Masters degree, and at the time was job hunting.  Email: bierly68@hotmail.com

Ryan Csontos:  He's finishing his MS in tectonics at the University of Memphis, and has stayed on there for his Ph.D.  Email: rcsontos@memphis.edu

Rob Dean: I saw Rob at the 2004 GSA meeting in Denver rather briefly.  He's now finished at UTEP, and he's started a position at Montgomery College in Rockville, Md.   Email:

Brandy Dearmond: She's recently completed an interdisciplinary MS. in environmental geology at the University of Florida, and is now working in the Tampa Bay area in environmental consulting.  Email: brandydearmond@hotmail.com

Megan Gerseny:  She's finishing her Master's at Washington State University - I saw her last at the 2004 Fall AGU meeting!  Email: gersula@hotmail.com

Mike Lemerises: He is completing in MS. in Geophysics at the University of Tennessee.

John Meyer: After finishing his B.S. at USF, and an extended bout of biking around the country, he's settled into an environmental consulting job in Jacksonville, FL.  Email: myrmugn@yahoo.com

Jennifer Natoli:  At last look she had finished a Masters in writing, and was working for the National Park Service.

Jacinda Nettik:  She got  her BS at UNC-Wilmington, and then landed a job at RockWare.  These days she's working for an oil company in Denver, CO.  I saw her at the 2004 GSA Annual Meeting. Does anyone have her new email address?

Meagen Pollock:  She's working with Emily Klein (my old graduate classmate!) at Duke University on her Ph.D.  Email: meagen.pollock@duke.edu

Matthew Tibbits: Last we heard, he was exploring the Amazon...

Walter (Bill) Sullivan:  He's completed his MS at Virginia Tech, and was (as of GSA 2004) working on his Ph.D. at the University of Wyoming, and enjoying the glorious open spaces of his field area (and the West generally!).  Email: wasulliv@uwyo.edu


Bryan Allison:  He completed his Masters in Geology, and is now out on the West coast working as a consultant. Email:ja14917@hotmail.com

Susan Akers:  She has finished up her Masters degree, and is now working as a soil scientist at NCRS, in Wall, South Dakota(!).  She says there's a lot of snow there - give her a buzz!  Email: susan.akers@gmail.com

Christina Bruinsma:  Still working with an environmental consulting firm in NC. Email: cbruinsma@tierraeng.com

David Doughty:  Dave completed his MS in marine geology at UNC-Wilmington  Email: dave4861@gmail.com

Judy Harden:  Judy completed a mixed MS degree at USF in geochemistry/geoscience education with Jeff and Dr. H. Leonard Vacher. She has stayed on in the USF Geology department as an Instructor and Undergraduate Advisor email:jharden@cas.usf.edu

Clayton Loehn: He's completed his MS degree at Kent State University, and is now pursuing Virginia Tech for his Ph.D., doing cool things with electron microprobes.  Email: cloehn@vt.edu , or c2l9a7y@netscape.net.

Rory McIlmoil: After exploring the globe, Rory was last seen pursuing an environmental science MS degree at American University in D.C.  I had lunch with him in the Summer of 2005, and he was living in Arlington.
Email: earthboy4@hotmail.com

John Newby: John is still working with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP - I had this wrong earlier!). He's got a (maybe not so) little one at home as well. He's still seeking to pursue an MS in Geology at USF, and took a graduate field course from Jeff during the Summer of '06.  Email: jenewby@hotmail.com or jnewby@mail.usf.edu

Skylar Primm:  He's doing his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin.  I met him on the street after the 2004 Denver GSA Meeting - he'd done a talk on educational methodologies he and his graduate colleagues had tried out!   Email: skylarp@geology.wisc.edu

Annie Scherer: She completed her Masters in Geophysics at San Fransisco State University, and then moved to Seattle to find a job and get married (!!).  Email: anmahree@yahoo.com

Rachel Shannon:  She was in Colorado working, but at last missive she'd been accepted into the graduate program at Cornell.  Email: rs364@cornell.edu

Rachel Soraruf: I saw Rachel at the 2004 AGU Fall Meeting in San Fransisco - she's doing a Masters at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, on the geochemistry (and paleoclimatology!) of speleothems.  Email: rsoraruf@geo.umass.edu

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