T H E   R E N N E S – L E  - C H Â T E A U  

T H E M E   P A R K









PAGES (Just click on the page you wish to go to):


Page 1—Abandon All Hope: Introduction to a Hermeneutical Hell

Page 2—The Saunière Episode: Who Wrote It?  

Page 3—The Plantard Subplot  

Page 4—The Lincoln Story & Its Aftermath

Page 5— Puzzling Pieces of the Story 

Page 6—Summing Up

Page 7—Links & Sources






            A list of English-language books on the subject has been provided along the way, but below I provide a bibliography of the French sources Paul Smith leans on and a few links to other websites.



B i b l i o g r a p h y   o f   F r e n c h   S o u r c e s




The following bibliography has apparently been heavily leaned on by Paul Smith in coming to his conclusions, and they may be perfectly reputable sources, but I do not personally know that.   I would have to know who these authors are and whether they have any axes to grind or ideologies to defend or secret agendas before I would accept their arguments.  The fact that this began as a French “conspiracy” puts one on guard against French sources.  One should also factor in the long tradition of locals having fun with the tourists.   And that it’s Frenchmen in the position of being able to gull Brits is even more to be considered!


René Descadeillas, 'Mythologie du Tresor de Rennes: Histoire Veritable de L'Abbe Sauniere, Cure de Rennes-Le-Chateau' (Mémoires de la Société des Arts et des Sciences de Carcassonne, Annees 1971-1972, 4me série, Tome VII, 2me partie; 1974). [Reprinted in 1991 by Editions Collot, Carcassonne.]


Jacques Rivière, 'Le Fabuleux Tresor de Rennes-Le-Chateau! Le Secret de L'Abbe Sauniere' (Editions Belisane; 1983).


Pierre Jarnac, 'Histoire Du Tresor de Rennes-Le-Chateau' (L'Association pour le développement de la lecture; 1985).


Claire Corbu & Antoine Captier, 'L'Heritage De L'Abbe Sauniere' (Editions Belisane; 1985).


Pierre Jarnac, 'Les Archives De Rennes-Le-Chateau', Tome 1 & 2. (Editions Belisane; 1987-1988).


Jean Markale, 'Rennes-Le-Chateau et L'Enigme de L'or' (Les Editions Pygmalion/Gérard Watelet; 1989).


Jean-Jacques Bedu, 'Rennes-Le-Chateau: Autopsie d'un mythe' (Ed. Loubatières; 31120 Portet-sur-Garonne; 1990).


Vinciane Denis, 'Rennes-Le-Chateau, Le trésor de l'abbé Saunière' (Editions Marabout, Collection "les Grands Formats"; 1996).


Patrick Mensior, 'L'extraordinaire Secret des Prêtres de Rennes-le-Château' (2001).








Following are links to other websites interested in Rennes-le-Château and related matters.  If you wish your site to be added to this list, apply to dietrich@cas.usf.edu.   I have kept this list short because most of the sites here have themselves extensive listings of links, especially # 8.



1.      An excellent website covering it all is to be found at http://www.rlcresearch.com/.

2.     Torkain’s “Rennes-le-Château”---http://www.rennes-le-chateau.com/default-uk.htm (now under new management). 

3.       Steve Mizrach’s website is full of good information on most of the questions posed by Rennes: http://www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/poseur3.html

4.       Nicholar Mazet provides interesting articles at “Templum Sodalitas Janus”---http://www.tsj.org/

5.     “The Society of Albion”--http://www.societyofalbion.org/  seems to have disappeared.

6.       A new website by Tarquin called “Undiscovered” is interesting,-- http://www.aimoo.com/forum/freeboard.cfm?id=560237  (Disappeared!)

7.     "Ben Hammot's" caper,“The Mystery Solved, the Tomb Found,” can be found at http://www.thetombman.com/

8.     “The Rennes Alchemist”-- http://www.cerclealpheus.com/ (a new website is being developed at http://www.rennesalchemist.com/ ).   The Cercle Alpheus, affiliated with the French group called Cercle St. Dagobert, publishes a quarterly journal called “Journal of the Rennes Alchemist” that is rapidly becoming a valuable tool for further research.  Subscription recommended.   "Alpheus" refers to  "the underground stream of initiatic knowledge," but the site and the journal are not all that focused on alchemy per se, except in a metaphorical sense as the search for knowledge lends itself to transformation of the self. 

9.     “Tour Magdala Webshop.com”---www.tour-magdala.com .  In addition to being a shop where items can be purchased, such as Henry Lincoln’s videos, this site has a terrific links page to other Rennes websites at http://www.tour-magdala.com/Pages/Rennes-le-Chateau_links.html (replaced by http://www.renneslechateau.co.uk/links.html, which is much less complete).

10.                        Many links are provided at http://www.rhedae.com/.