FOR TEACHING SPANISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE -- a guide to current SLA research & instructional materials for college level Spanish |
Professional Associations and
Institutes |
AAAL (American
Association for Applied Linguistics) -- |
AATSP (American
Association of Teachers of Spanish and
Portuguese) -- |
ACTFL (American Council on
the Teaching of Foreign Languages) -- |
CAL (Center for Applied
Linguistics) -- |
CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) -- |
CARLA (Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisistion) -- |
Association of Second Language Teachers/L'Association canadienne de
professeurs de langues secondes) -- |
EuroSLA (European Second Language Association) -- |
International Commission on Second Language Acquisition) -- |
Ja-Ling: The
Gateway of
Language -- |
The Linguist List (Language Resources) -- |
Society of America -- |
National Capital
Resource Center -- |
National Foreign
Research Center -- |
School of
Linguistics and
Applied Language Studies. Victoria University (Wellington, New
Zealand). Second Language Learning, Teaching, and Assessment. -- |
(Summer Institute of Linguistics) -- |
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Online Journals | ||||||
Many online journals
offer free access to table of contents and abstracts. Check with
your library to see if you also have access to full text of the
journals listed below through database subscriptions or e-journal
services. |
ADFL Bulletin Online
(Association of Departments of Foreign Languages) -- |
Applied Linguistics
(Oxford Journals online) -- |
Calico Review (reviews of software) -- |
CALL-EJ Online -- |
CÍRCULO de lingüística
aplicada a la comunicación (clac) -- |
Clarion -- |
ELT Journal
(Oxford University
Press) -- |
Essential Teacher; TESOL Journal (abstracts); TESOL
Matters; TESOL Quarterly (abstracts) -- |
Hong Kong Journal of
Applied Linguistics
(abstracts) -- |
Journal for Language
Teaching (abstracts) -- |
Journal of Second Language
Writing (abstracts) -- |
Learning and Technology -- |
Language Teaching
(Cambridge University Press) -- table of contents & abstracts -- |
Language Teaching Research
(Table of contents and abstracts are available
through Ingenta) -- |
Language Teacher online (Japan) -- |
The Modern Language Journal (table
of contents & abstracts) -- |
On-CALL Archive -- |
Reading in a Foreign Language -- |
Reading Matrix: An
International Online Journal -- |
Revista Iberoamericana de
Educación -- |
TESL-EJ (Teaching English
as a Second or
Foreign Language) -- |
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Current SLA Research: Papers and Presentations | ||||||
Doughty, Catherine
(2004). Designing
Psychololinguistically Valid Classroom Instruction. SLATE Lecture
Series, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Retrieved
May 27, 2005, from The University of Illinois
Lecture Series web site for the SLATE program has archived the
Powerpoint presentation from Doughty's 2004 lecture. The
Powerpoint provides an overview of the changing focus of L2
research. Doughty is particularly concerned with the reliability
of such studies in terms of methodology and presumptions about the
effect of formal instruction on L2 acquisition
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Bibliographies |
Vivian. Second Language
Acquisition Bibliography (SLABIB). -- |
ERIC (Educational
Resources Information Center) -- |
Florencia. SLA Bibliography.
-- |
Joaquim. Adquisición
del sistema fonético y del
sistema fonológico del español como lengua
extranjera: Bibliografía. -- |
Joaquim. Enseñanza de
Español como
Lengua Extranjera y Enseñanza de la Lengua Asistida por
Ordenador: Bibliografía. -- |
Glenn. Resources in Language Testing Page. -- |
Internet Resources for Language
and Learners (The Subject Centre for Languages, University of
Southampton) -- |
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Instructional Resources: Multimedia, Software, Templates, and Lesson Plans | ||||||
The websites linked below
offer many resources for teachers of Spanish as L2 including complete
lesson plans often with multimedia
links that could be used to enhance in-class activities or assigned to
students as homework. Other sites offer downloads of freeware,
shareware or demo software that can be used in the creation of CALL
activities for students of Spanish. |
Website (Education Office of Australia and New Zealand, Advisory
Services of the Ministry of Education of Spain) -- This website offers
downloadable lesson plans (usually in Word format) for Spanish teachers
and links to other websites that could be incorporated into culture
modules. Although many of the resources are for primary and
secondary school there are others that could be used in teaching
college level Spanish as well.
FL Teach:
Teaching Forum -- Although the
focus of this website is second language instruction in general, there
is a section devoted to each of the more commonly taught languages
including Spanish. The list of links includes many Spanish
language media websites such as radio from a wide range of
countries. There are also links to worthwhile websites dedicated
to acquisition of Spanish as L2.
Foreign Language
Home -- Foreign Language Home
offers information and links for teachers of foreign language in
general. Items include recent news and developments in the
field, software reviews, as well as links dedicated to the instruction
of particular languages as L2. The Spanish section provides links
to many online activities, including quizzes and games, that could be
assigned to students for in-class work or as homework.
Free Spanish Teacher
Provided by Visual Link Spanish™ -- Although this website is
aimed at teachers of Spanish at the secondary level some of the
available resources could also be used to create activities for
beginning students at the college level. There are demos of
web-based exercises and games for verb practice and vocabulary learning
as well as a weekly newsletter. Some of the activities require
registration. There are also software modules than can be
Project: Guildhall Interactive Software for Multimedia
Online -- The exercises in the
Spanish section of this CALL demonstration
site are produced using Java applets. In addition to the usual
self-correcting formats, the Virtual CALL Library offers exercises that
allow students to work on pronunciation. Students first listen to
short phrase. Installation of a Java plug-in is required for
to be able to record and listen to their own pronunciation;
full instructions are available here --
Hot Potatoes -- Hot Potatoes is an easy to
free software (check the website for use guidelines) that generates
self-correcting quizzes in several formats: cloze tests, fill in
the blank, jumbled sentences, matching, as well as crossword
puzzles. The website offers free download of the software for
Windows platform, Linux, and a beta version for MAC OS X. The Hot
Potatoes site offers detailed tutorials for the different quiz formats.
Hot Potatoes Exercises to
Accompany the Caminos Textbook -- This website offers
demonstrations of the many formats of Hot Potatoes and how they could
be used to provide practice and feedback to students in beginning
Spanish. The topics are general enough that the fact that the
exercises were developed for a specific textbook is not a drawback.
Internet Activities for
Language Classes -- Information about the
development of internet-based activities is the focus of this web
site. There is a discussion about the use of the internet in
foreign language instruction followed by a list of links of activities
developed by students following the protocols suggested in the lesson
planning section.
Lengua y
literatura: Servidor de recursos educativos para el profesor y el
alumno de lengua y literatura The language
portion of this website offers instructional modules on all aspects of
Spanish grammar. There are downloadable exercises in Word format
as well as online self correcting exercises that utilize Java applets.
MERLOT: Multimedia
Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching -- As
stated on its homepage MERLOT is a free and open resource designed
primarily for faculty and students of higher education. It provides
links to online learning materials that have been submitted by
instructional faculty and accompanied by a peer review. Many of
the online materials have linked exercises and assessments. Some
of the Spanish examples utilize multimedia such as music or brief film
clips as a point of departure to assess student comprehension.
Quia -- Quia offers subscription
based access to templates to create many formats of self-correcting
quizzes including flashcards, matching, concentration (memory), word
search, cloze exercises, hangman, jumbled words, and scavenger hunt
among others. Although access to the quiz creation feature
requires a subscription of $49 per year, samples of quizzes created
with Quia are available on the web site and can be freely accessed by
both instructors and students.
REACH: Recursos para la
enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las culturas hispánicas -- REACH is a website
dedicated to
Spanish language and culture. The seven modules that have been
developed consist of thematically grouped links to different aspects of
the Spanish language as well as cultural information about the
countries where Spanish is spoken. There are also two modules
dedicated to Spanish language instruction.
Teaching Spanish
to Native
Speakers -- This is a
comprehensive website with a bibliography of articles on the challenges
of teaching native speakers and quasi native speakers. Additionally, citations from ERIC have been selected for
materials related to the teaching of native speakers. There is also a section on curriculum development
with a list of textbooks for native speakers.
Página del
profesor de español como lengua extranjera -- This website is
dedicated to the teaching of Spanish as a second language. There
are many activities and lesson plans that can be downloaded (mostly in
PowerPoint and Word document format). Many of the lesson plans
are associated with multimedia materials such as popular songs and
films that should be easily available to instructors through their
institutional media center.
Virtual CALL Library -- Software and software
reviews are the focus of this website. The downloadable software
is either freeware or shareware. There is a brief description of
the software and then a link to the provider's website. There are
also reviews of commercial software.
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General | ||||||
Centro de
Consultas de la Lengua Española de Ciudad Seva -- This web site offers links
to a variety of resources: reference tools, grammars,
dictionaries, spelling checkers, and automatic translators. It is
a useful for both instructor and students in advanced language and
literature classes.
Centro Virtual Cervantes: Biblioteca del
profesor de español -- Different aspects of teaching Spanish as a second
language are covered on this web site. There are links to
pedagogical activities, studies on ELE (enseñanza del
español como lengua extranjera), and announcements of upcoming
conferences on the teaching of Spanish.
Centro Virtual Cervantes: El español en
los EEUU -- There are two major points of interest on this
website: the use of Spanish in the United States (for example, in
mass media) and the pedagogy of Spanish as a second language.
There are links to full text articles dealing with both topics.
Virtual Cervantes: Morderse la lengua -- This website offers examples of language abuse in mass
media and advertising. The examples could form the basis for
interesting discussions in advanced language and lingusitics classes.
Cervantes: La revista del español en el mundo -- In addition to
offering access to articles in the current and past issues of the Cuadernos Cervantes
the website offers a section en ELE (enseñanza del
español como lengua
extranjera) and links to current articles related to the Spanish
language and the teaching of Spanish from other news sources.
español en el
mundo -- El español en el mundo
is an annual publication of the Instituto Cervantes. The journal
offers a wide coverage of articles related to the Spanish language
including ELE.
Ethnologue -- Spanish -- The Ethnologue web site
comprehensive information on the dissemination of the Spanish language
in the world including where it is spoken and the number of
Additionally, it is possible to look at the language situation of
particular countries.
español -- This comprehensive website dedicated to the Spanish
language offers a variety of resources including links to grammars,
dictionaries, history of the language, review of recent articles in the
press, and a word of the day feature to develop vocabulary.
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Grammars | |
This section contains
links to both current and historical grammars. There are also
aids for students such as verb conjugators. |
Gramatical de la Lengua
Española (Salvador Fernández Ramírez) -- |
panhispánico de dudas (Real Academia Española) -- |
urgente -- |
Flexionador: verbo
(Universidad de las Palmas) -- |
Gramática de la
Lengua Castellana de Antonio de Nebrija (1492) -- |
Gramática de la
Lengua Castellana compuesta por la Real Academia Española (1771) -- |
de la lengua
castellana destinada al uso de los americanos (Andrés Bello) -- |
Instituto de
verbología hispánica (verb conjugator) -- |
Manuales de
Lengua y Literatura Castellanas (Biblioteca Manes) -- |
Las normas del
actual -- |
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Dictionaries | |
CLAVE. Diccionario
de uso del español actual. Madrid: Ediciones SM -- An added feature of this
(monolingual Spanish) dictionary is that it offers a brief discussion
of the current usage of lexical items including recommendations for
avoiding anglicisms.
Diccionarios -- This web site provides access to
several different dictionaries including a thesaurus, bilingual
dictionaries for both Spanish/English and Spanish/French, as well as a
specialized dictionary of medical terms. A list follows.
Diccionario de la lengua española, de sinónimos y de antónimos Diccionarios bilingües: español inglés, inglés español, español francés y francés español Diccionario de medicina |
WordNet -- Based on work
done by the TALP Group at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, the
Spanish database for WordNet offers very complete entries for lexical
items, including grammatical function, with a gloss in English.
Página de los
diccionarios (José Antonio Millán) -- This website maintains up
to date links to online Spanish dictionaries of all types, including
regionalisms and slang. There is also a list of recently
published dictionaries available in print.
Diccionario de
regionalismos de la lengua española -- Full access to
the dictionary is available only through subscription. However,
the demo offers access to a large number of lexical items.
-- WordReference
provides access to several dictionary databases through a single search
interface. These include a dictionary of synonyms, several
bilingual dictionaries including Spanish/Portuguese, Spanish/English,
and Spanish/French, as well as the capability of searching for a term
that appears in the definition of any lexical item.
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Spanish Linguistics |
Base de datos
sintácticos del español actual: Características
generales de la cláusula -- The manual that
accompanies this web site, a corpus of contemporary texts from the Archivo de Textos
Hispánicos de la Universidad de Santiago
provides an excellent overview of Spanish syntax with examples of
different types of syntactic structures. Use of the
database requires registration.
Centro Virtual Cervantes:
Congresos de la lengua -- The Congresses of Sevilla
(1992), Zacatecas (1997), Valladolid (2001), and Rosario (2004) are
represented on this web site with summary information, press releases,
and full text of presentations.
Centro Virtual Cervantes:
Voces y letras hispánicas -- There are three sections
of linguistic interest in this module of CVC: Los sonidos, an
introduction to Spanish phonetics; Historia, a brief history of the
Spanish language; and Las palabras, an introduction to word origins
including the contributions of Amerindian lanauges. There are
accompanying audio files that explain the text and images displayed on
the screen.
Corpus del
español (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University) -- This corpus
project is based on data from the 13th century to the year 2000 and
contains over 100 million words. Advanced search strategies
include collocation, grammatical category, and frequency, among others.
Estudios de
lingüística del español -- This
comprehensive website is part of Red IRIS ( Interconexión de los
Recursos Informáticos), a program of the National Office for
Research and Development in Spain. On this site are links to
research studies on Spanish linguistics, virtual libraries, linguistic
corpora, dictionaries, and other databases of linguistic interest.
Grupo de Estructuras de
Datos y Lingüística
Computacional (Lematizador, Flexionador, Conjugador, Desambiguador) -- This
web site is the result of collaborations in the area of computational
linguistics at the Universidad
de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. There are several modules which
provide for input and analysis: a morphological tagger and analyzer, an
inflectioner (for nouns), a verb conjugator, a lexical database for
morphological relationships, and a morphosyntactic disambiguator.
Phonetics: The
Sounds of Spanish
and English. -- Excellent
audiovisual materials are available on this web site that could be used
for instruction in Spanish phonetics or comparative English/Spanish
phonetics. There is a Flash animated articulary diagram for each
consonant or vowel together with a text description of the articulation
of the sound. Both vowels and consonants are pronounced in the
context of a word.
SIL. Materiales para la
enseñanza de la fonética general. -- SIL offers materials for a complete
course in general linguistics online. The materials are in a
variety of formats -- web pages, downloadable PDF files, and
hyperlinked audio files. Although the course does not deal with
Spanish specifically because the explanatory texts are in Spanish they
could be a valuable source of instructional material for an advanced
class in Spanish linguistics.
Spanish FrameNet:
An Online Lexical Resource -- This corpus is a research
project of the Department of Education of Spain, the Autonomous
University of Barcelona with collaboration of the International
Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, CA. It is an online
lexical resource for Spanish based on the concept of frame
semantics as illustrated in the corpus evidence for each lexical
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& Intermediate |
The web pages linked
below offer instructional materials for self-instruction of Spanish as
L2. They could also be used in formal language instruction to
supplement textbook and classroom activities. Many of the
exercises are self correcting which allows students to work
independently. |
Aula de lengua -- CVC offers modules for
language instruction at all levels from primary school to adult
learners of Spanish as a second language. There are text-based
materials such as short readings and interviews as well as interactive,
self-correcting exercises.
Español para principiantes -- It is not
apparent whether or not these exercises were designed to accompany the
textbook of the same name, however, since the exercises are general in
nature and self contained they would be of benefit to any student in
beginning Spanish. The exercises require Flash 5, a free
download. The exercises provide instant feedback and hints for
Cuentos para todos -- The readings and exercises
on this web site are more suited for instruction at the
primary/secondary level but they would also be good examples for
college level students studying the teaching of Spanish. The
reading selections themselves offer no enhancements such as highlighted
text or illustrations. The self-correcting exercises are very
brief; some check comprehension while others check mastery of
grammatical structures.
Fondo Lector
(Mariano Vindel, Junta de Andalucía) -- The purpose of
this web site is to stimulate interest in reading at the primary school
level. There are many word games on this web site that such as
jumbled sentences.
Benenati, Lewis & Clark College) This web site
provides a quick reference grammar for students of intermediate level
Spanish. It includes comments about common native speaker errors
such as spelling and placement of written accents as well as problem
areas for Spanish L2 students.
Spanish: A free online
tutorial -- Although this is a commercial web site that offers
instructional materials for sale there are are many free lessons and
self-correcting quizzes, including audio files to learn pronunciation
and quizzes on basic grammar structures.
arriba: Spanish Language Exercises -- The exercises on this web site have been developed to
accompany the ¡Arriba! textbook
(Canadian edition). However, they could be used by students
enrolled in beginning Spanish classes using other textbooks. Many
of the exercises request written input from students with an option to
click for audio of the expected response.
Spanish Grammar
(Barbara Kuczun Nelson, Colby
College) -- This web site has
received awards from CALICO and MERLOT. It makes good use of
audio and music as well as short video as input to stimulate student
interest. There are followup exercises to check comprehension and
mastery of the grammatical focus of the multimedia stimuli.
Spanish Language
(Juan Ramón de Arana, Ursinus -- Exercises on this
comprehensive web site are of two types: Self check exercises
with automatic correction and feedback for the student and Instructor
check exercises that can be sent by the student to a specified
instructor e-mail address. The Instructor check exercises are
usually open ended questions that appear at the end of a brief
informational unit.
Spanish Video
Resources -- A series of short
videos about different aspects of everyday life can be viewed on this
web site. The video can be paused and repeated if students need
additional input. After watching the video a cloze exercise tests
comprehension as well as writing skills.
Taller hispano -- Taller hispano
offers short videos related to Spanish and Spanish American culture and
daily life. Students are provided with text boxes to record
information about what they have heard in a guided note taking activity.
VMI Online
Spanish Drills -- The online drills
on this web site have two components: a brief grammar lesson and
a related grammar quiz. The quizzes are self correcting Hot
Potatoes format. Except for the automatic, instantaneous feedback
these exercises are very traditional in their approach to teaching
grammar, that is, a focus on forms.
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& Texts |
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel
de Cervantes -- This virtual library
offers the most comprehensive coverage of full text literary and
scholarly works in the Spanish language. Although copyright
restricts the presence of the most recent authors, there is a good
representation of authors from both Spain and Spanish America from the
early twentieth century and earlier.
Colibrí (SEP,
México) -- Colibrí is part of
the digital library project of the Secretaría de
Educación Pública in Mexico. Although designed for
K-12 instruction, the digital library contains modules of fiction and
non-fiction that could be utilized in intermediate level classes.
Based on textbooks, these web sites are highly illustrated. Most
of them do not offer any exercises or instructional material.
Lecturas Paso a
Paso (Centro Virtual Cervantes) -- This web site
from Centro Virtual Cervantes offers guided reading activities with
background information on the reading selection, before reading
activities, and after reading activities including interactive
quizzes. There are three different levels of reading difficulty
from which to select.
-- The literature
section of this web site from Central Virtual Cervantes would be
suitable for students in an introduction to Spanish literature
class. There is an anthology of texts from reprentative time
periods that contains audio files of readings and songs. There
are no exercises or assessments.
Materiales para
mejorar la
comprensión lectora -- This web site of
"a-mejor," a non profit organization in Spain dedicated to improvement
of educational success of children in primary and secondary schools,
offers reading comprehension passages with follow up exercises and
quizzes. The reading selections chronicle the travel adventures
of a group of teenagers throughout Spain.
El Mensual: An
intermediate audio Magazine (BBC) -- El Mensual is a monthly
magazine for intermediate level learners of Spanish. Students are
able to listen to short audio clips of news stories or interviews and
then test their comprehension through cloze exercises. There are
also audio clips of popular songs with fill in the blank exercises to
check comprehension of lyrics.
Scherezade -- Proyecto
Scherezade offers a collection of short stories, some with interactive
exercises and audio files, for use in upper intermediate and advanced
classes of Spanish. Many of the stories are published here for
the first time.
Tecla/Texts for
and Teachers of Spanish (Ministerio
de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España en el Reino
Unido) -- Tecla is an online magazine that
offers reading selections, usually related to the history and culture
of Spain and Spanish America, as well as post reading activities.
There are three levels to select from. The magazine is easily
downloaded as a PDF file.
Literatura en Ciudad Seva -- The literature section of
this web site offers access to digital texts, particularly short
stories. The stories represent a variety of literatures including
translations of authors who do not write in Spanish. The full
text access, however, presents many possible uses, including a source
of texts for a course in translation studies.
Palabra de escritor
(SEP, Mexico) -- lengua_comunicacion/palabraescritor/iprincipal/pprincipal.htm This web site from the
Secretaría de Educación Pública is designed to
foment writing and literary analysis. There are several well done
essays on the art of writing that could be used as outside reading for
students in college level Spanish literature classes.
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Civilization &
Culture |
The links listed below
are primarily web sites developed in Spain or Spanish America for
informational or instructional purposes. Because many were
developed for primary and secondary students the language is simpler
thus increasing accessibility for students of Spanish as
L2. The web sites also provide a basis for classroom
discussion of more complex issues such as historical bias and
national identity. |
una ventana al mundo cultural, artístico y político -- is
a very attractive web site visually. Parts of it are still in
development but the image galleries in most sections are
accessible. The cultural infomation could provide a good point of
departure for writing activities in advanced Spanish classes.
(digital) Luis Angel Arango (Colombia) -- This digital library offers an interesting selection of materials for those interested in the history of children's literature as well as those seeking authentic materials for use in intermediate/advanced Spanish classes. Many of the links lead to pdf files of published juvenile books. There are no instructional activities on this web site but the texts provide a point of departure for development of instructional materials. |
Historia de
Iberoamérica (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,
Instituto de Historia) -- Divided into three section
-- Expansión europea (s. XIV, XV), Irrupción europea (s.
XV, XVI), América colonial (s. XVI, XVII, XVIII) -- this
comprehensive web site would be a great enhancement for an upper level
civilization or culture course. Each section has a selection of
brief texts and links to a web site and a bibliograph as well as brief
music audio files. The web site is well illustrated and has
hyperlinks for important concepts or proper names. There
are many excerpts from primary source documents.
Historia de la
(SEP, México) -- This web site
offers well illustrated reading selections on both world history and
Mexican history. The Mexican history section includes primary
source materials such as period photographs, letters and
manuscripts. There are provocative questions for students at
intervals in the reading selection and also at the end of the reading.
paralelas (Library of Congress) -- Historias
paralelas is a bilingual web site that surveys the common history of
the United States and Spain. It is a joint project of the U.S.
Library of Congress and the Biblioteca Nacional de España.
The reading selections and hyperlinked documents would be a welcome
addition to a class on Spanish or Spanish American civilization.
mexicanas (Universidad de Guadalajara) -- Leyendas
mexicanas consists of two sections -- Leyendas prehispánicas
and Leyendas coloniales -- each of which has six short legends.
page has an attractive illustration. Since there are no
activities, Leyendas mexicanas would need to be supplemented by
instructor-developed materials. The reading level is appropriate
high intermediate or advanced learners.
Mundo Maya -- Mundo Maya is a
bilingual web site (the link above is to the Spanish version) that
offers easy to read information about the Maya culture, both in
historical perspective and in the present day. The different
sections of this web site are: Arqueología,
Naturaleza, Vida diaria, Historia, Artesanía, Leyendas, and
a notes section. Reading selections could probably be used to
supplement materials in third and fourth semester classes as well as
more advanced classes. There are no exercises or quizzes but the
readings could easily form the basis for a quiz on comprehension
utilizing one of the test making tools such as Hot Potatoes.
The Oaxaca
Collection -- A visit to the
arqueological site of Monte Albán forms the basis for these
reading selections. The readings are supplemented by vocabulary
lists and hyperlinekd glosses for difficult words. There are also
short comprehension quizzes for each reading selection. This web
site is illustrated with photos of a student expedition to
Oaxaca. The reading selections have some minor grammatical errors
and awkward syntactic constructions. However, conceptually the
web site offers some good models for Spanish instruction.
Sur del Sur -- Sur del Sur is a
comprehensive, bilingual web site dedicated to the history of Argentina
and its cultural manifestations. The reading selections are
usually quite short and accompanied by attractive illustrations.
Because of the abbreviated nature of the information found here, Sur
del Sur would be most useful to accompany class activities that would
be enhanced by a brief historical note or image. There are no
exercises or questions for study on this web site.
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Language & Linguistics |
The web sites listed
below offer models for the teaching advanced Spanish grammar or Spanish
linguistics at the advanced undergraduate level. A few of the web
sites are at a slightly lower level but may be helpful for students who
need some remedial work. |
y ortografía (Juan Manuel Soto
Arriví) -- The grammar
reviews and accompanying exercises are part of a larger web site
dedicated to Spanish language and culture. Each grammar section
offers a brief review with exercises for students to check their
mastery of basic grammatical principles. There are also links to
other pages that offer language instruction and tools such as
dictionaries, verb conjugators, and spell check; a few of the links are
no longer functional.
a la
lingüística española (Ganesh Basdeo, University of
Washington) -- This web site was
developed for an advanced level course in Spanish linguistics.
The materials would be of interest to anyone developing or teaching a
similar course. There are review questions, exercises, and
diagrams to illustrate phonology, morphology, syntax.
Introducción a la
lingüística hispánica (Sonia Ramírez
Wohlmuth, University of South Florida) -- This web site contains
chapter reviews in Powerpoint format to accompany Hualde, Olarrea, and
Escobar's Introducción
a la lingüística hispánica. There are
also some review quizzes that utilize Hot Potatoes software.
Lengua. Proyecto Aula: Lengua y Literatura
Españolas. -- The language
section of Proyecto Aula offers reviews of different grammar points
with exercises. Some are web page format; others are to be
printed out and completed as pencil and paper exercises. Most of
the instructional materials are a traditional focus on forms approach.
Secundaria Obligatoria
-- Primer
Ciclo -- This web site was
prepared as a review for exams for secondary students in Spain.
There are brief reviews covering an array of themes: specific
grammar points, history of the Spanish language, the dissemination of
Spanish in the Americas. Main points are presented schematically
in diagrams and students have an opportunity to test their knowledge
with short self correcting quizzes.
Sintaxis (Alfonso Sancho Rodríguez) -- -- The two web sites
contained here are part of a larger web site still in process.
There is an extensive online grammar to explain linguistic
concepts. There are also Powerpoints that can be downloaded for
in-class use. The Powerpoints contain graphs and schemes that are
not easily created in html format. The materials here would be
useful in both advanced undergraduate and graduate classes on the
structure of the Spanish language.
Ortografía -- This web site is dedicated
to common spelling errors in Spanish. It would be particularly
useful in a Spanish for native speakers class. Students who have
acquired Spanish through experience other than formal instruction
usually have problems in distinguishing spelling of s, z, ce, ci; b, v; ll, y, etc.
interactiva -- Ortografía interactiva, like
the web site above provides interactive exercises to help students
learn to avoid common spelling errors. There are also several
exercises on homophones in Spanish.
Cíceros -- There are many
resources available on this web site from the Ministerio de
Educación y Ciencia (Spain). Of linguistic interest is a
tool for syntactic analysis with 70 model sentences in which each
segment is tagged for syntactic properties.
Mass Media |
The following list of web
sites are a selection of Spanish language mass media available through
the internet. These include news bureaus, online newspapers and
magazines, radio stations, and television stations. |
BBC -- The BBC web site
provides coverage of international news with a focus on Latin
America. In addition to the text news stories there are audio
files and video clips. These media formats offer opportunities
for students to monitor their comprehension skills as they learn of
recent news events or listen to interviews with well known authors and
Las radios en
español, país por país -- As the title indicates
this web
page offers a list of radio broadcasts in Spanish by country. In
addition to Spain and Spanish America many other countries are
represented in this list.
Prensa Escrita -- Prensa Escrita is a compilation of online daily newspapers throughout the Spanish speaking world as well as Canada and the United States. The listings are arranged by country. |
Revistas On-line -- A wide variety of online
magazines are available on this web site organized by country.
While most of the magazines offer full text others offer only a table
of content service with a brief summary of the articles available in
the print version.
Magazines in Spanish -- The magazines
listed on this web site are primarily literary magazines some of which
publish original poems and short stories.
Zona Latina:
Latin American Broadcast Television -- Zona
Latina provides a list of
Latin American broadcast television as well as a list of U.S. Spanish
language television broadasters. There is limited
availability of direct broadcast through the internet for some of the
television stations.
España -- Emisoras
de Televisión -- This web site provides a
list of television stations from Spain. Some of the stations
offer direct broadcast; the audio is usually quite acceptable but
images are of varying quality.
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