S H A W   B I Z N E S S


Links to Printed Works of Shaw

  1. Penguin Books

  2. BBC Education (list of Shaw's works with ISBNs).

  3. Moonstruck Drama Book Store

  4. The Internet Theatre Bookshop

  5. Great Books Index

  6. Artslynx International Theatre Resources

  7. Calendar of Authors (provides a chronological listing of Shaw's works).

  8. The Constable "Standard Edition of the Works of Bernard Shaw" (out of print but available in libraries).

  9. "The Bodley Head Bernard Shaw" (out of print but available in libraries).

  10. The Dodd Mead "Selected Plays" and "Complete Plays with Prefaces" (both are out of print but available in libraries).

  11. Check Books in Print for additional listings.

  12. For the principal bibliography on Shaw's works, see the two-volume Bernard Shaw: A Bibliography, edited by Dan H. Laurence.

Most works are available only from off-line sources.   Send suggestions for additions to this list to:
