Following are the “Articles of Incorporation of the International Shaw Society” (items I through IX) as approved by the State of Florida and the Internal Revenue Service for not-for-profit, tax-exempt status.  Following that are the “Bylaws of the International Shaw Society,” which are supplemental to the “Articles of Incorporation.”  Amendments to “Articles” must be submitted for approval to the state of Florida and the IRS in the form of “Restated Articles” before they are official.  The “Bylaws” may be amended without reporting amendments, providing that they do not impact the Articles.







          The name of the corporation shall be The International Shaw Society, Inc., hereafter referred to as “the ISS” or “the Society.”



          The principal place of business shall be that of the elected president of the Society, or such other address as the ISS Council may from time to time determine.   The mailing address is R. F. Dietrich, Acting President of the International Shaw Society, 14429 Wadsworth Dr., Odessa, FL 33556, in Pasco County.



          The ISS shall exist to provide a means for those interested in the study of the life, times, and career of Irish writer George Bernard Shaw to coordinate their activities, exchange information and ideas, and promote an interest in Shaw worldwide.



            The ISS is a not-for-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the state of Florida (Document # NO3000008490) on September 29 of 2003 in the United States of America but serving an international membership and occasionally meeting abroad.  The ISS was found to be in compliance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code on_______________, giving it tax-exempt status. Said corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.


ARTICLE V: MEMBERSHIP: The ISS seeks a broad membership reflecting interest in all aspects of Shaw’s life and work.  Membership shall be open to anyone upon payment of dues, which shall be less for students than for others.  Membership categories and the amount of dues for each shall be determined by the ISS Council. Members in good standing (with paid up dues) shall receive all rights and privileges as determined by the ISS Council. Dues shall be paid to the Membership Secretary for recording before being submitted to the Treasurer for deposit. The membership year is from January 1 to December 31. The Membership Secretary shall send written notification in December to the members when dues are due and shall send a second notification to those members who have not renewed by March 1.



            The ISS shall be governed by the ISS Council, which may meet in toto but for ordinary business shall divide into two committees: an Executive Committee of five officers elected by the membership at large {President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Membership Secretary} who will see to the day to day running of the ISS, and an Advisory Committee consisting of the immediate past President and fifteen members appointed by the President with majority approval of the Executive Committee. Members of the Advisory Committee shall largely be senior members who have distinguished themselves in some  way in the study or practice or appreciation of literature or drama or theater in general and Shaw in particular.  One cannot be a member of the Executive Committee and the Advisory Committee at the same time. Terms of office shall be 3 years in length and staggered so that only about one-third of the Council shall be up for election or appointment (as the case may be) in any given year. The President shall be responsible for convening the ISS as a whole, the ISS Council, and any ISS committees, and shall set the agenda and preside over all meetings, voting when necessary to break ties and reporting all results of meetings to the membership at large.



         No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Articles Three and Four hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.



          Upon the dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.



          The ISS Founders, a group of 28 interested people at an August 20th, 2003 meeting at the Shaw Festival Theatre in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, elected Richard F. Dietrich as Acting President of the ISS and empowered him to appoint an ISS Founders Council that would serve as the Founding Directors and assist him in seeking not-for-profit, tax-exempt status for the ISS.  The ISS Founders Council, appointed by the Acting President with unanimous approval of the ISS Founders, consisted of 9 members, the majority of whom are citizens of the United States of America, and were listed on the application for tax-exempt status as signatory witnesses.  Once past the founding period (i. e. when the ISS has been legally established with the IRS as a tax-exempt corporation), the ISS will be organized as described in this document, and will operate by the following bylaws as well.  [The 9 members of the Founders Council/Founding Directors were Sidney Albert, T. F. Evans, Richard F. Dietrich, Anthony Gibbs, Nicholas Grene, Lagretta Lenker, Ann Saddlemyer, Stanley Weintraub, and Don Wilmeth. ]









A.  A GENERAL QUALIFICATION: Communication being essential to the running of the organization, no one should accept a nomination for any office unless he or she is prepared to make his or her personal mail and email address available to the membership at large and guarantee to check both frequently and respond promptly.




1. THE PRESIDENT shall act as the chief executive officer of the ISS,  represent the ISS in all interfaces outside the ISS, serve ex officio on all committees or appoint a designate, and delegate such responsibilities as will best serve the interests and purposes of the ISS.  The President shall present to the Executive Committee in January a projected budget and a plan of action for the forthcoming year for their majority approval.  The President shall prepare an agenda for and preside over all meetings of the ISS as a whole, the ISS Council, the Advisory Committee, and the Executive Committee. As soon after election as possible, the President shall appoint a Webmaster (for the ISS website and other internet venues) and a Director of Publications for mutually agreed-upon terms, not to exceed three years, with the majority approval of the Executive Committee. With the majority approval of the Executive Committee, the President shall create a Nominating Committee (when elections are forthcoming) and such ad hoc committees as are necessary to fulfill the purposes of the ISS.  The terms of all committees created by the President shall end with the term of the President, although a new President may reappoint them. To sum up, it is the responsibility of the President to see that all necessary administrative actions taken on behalf of the ISS, as implied or stated above or below, are taken in a timely manner and that the ISS Council is consulted where appropriate and its votes counted.


2.  THE VICE PRESIDENT shall act as chief executive officer in the event of the President’s inability to serve.  The Vice President may be assigned to act as chair of whatever ad hoc committees are formed to meet specific needs, and shall be responsible for such other matters as are delegated by the President, with special emphasis upon planning for the future, including membership recruitment, fund-raising, future conferences, and the like. 


3.  THE TREASURER shall have charge of the finances of the ISS and shall keep full and accurate accounts of dues payments, grants, bequests, etc. and receipts and disbursements in books, journals, and other publications of the ISS.  The Treasurer shall deposit all moneys and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the ISS in such depository or depositories as may be designated by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Advisory Committee.  The Treasurer shall assist the President in preparing an annual projected budget and whatever tax documents are required by law.  As soon after a fiscal/calendar year has passed and no later than the end of January, the Treasurer (even if outgoing) shall present to the ISS Council an Annual Treasurer’s Report that itemizes and sums up income and expenditure for the entire past year, which, upon approval by the ISS Council, is then to be broadcast to the entire membership by mail and posted on the ISS website. 


4. THE RECORDING SECRETARY shall be responsible for sending out notices of meetings of the officers, all committees and subcommittees, and the ISS in general, and shall record the minutes of the meetings and distribute those in a timely fashion. The Recording Secretary shall chair the Nominating Committee, overseeing the nominating and balloting process in the election of officers, keeping full records of such.  The Recording Secretary shall keep track and receipts of all sales and subscriptions to publications of the ISS.  All moneys received by the Recording Secretary on behalf of the ISS shall be forwarded to the Treasurer for deposit.  The Recording Secretary shall record annual written reports by all officers. After copying, all correspondence of officers and committees about ISS business shall be delivered to the Recording Secretary for filing. The Recording Secretary shall be custodian of current records of the ISS, which are to be handed over to the ISS President at the end of term, for long-term filing, and made available for future reference. 


5. THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY shall attend to all official correspondence related to membership, reminding members of when dues are due (see IV above), and maintaining the membership list and publishing an annual alphabetized membership directory with full particulars. The Membership Secretary shall also devise and direct membership recruitment drives.  All moneys received by the Membership Secretary on behalf of the ISS shall be forwarded to the Treasurer for deposit.


C. APPOINTED OFFICERS: In addition, the President is to appoint, with majority approval of the Executive Committee, a Webmaster and a Director of Publications, who will be non-voting members of the Council and advisory to the Executive Committee. The Webmaster and Director of Publications may be the same person and may simultaneously be a voting member of the Executive or Advisory Committee.  That is, it’s possible to have two or even three positions on the Council, but only the Executive or Advisory Committee position would entitle one to a vote.


1.  THE WEBMASTER.  Inasmuch as the ISS will exist most of the time and for most of its members primarily in “cyberspace,” the Webmaster, with the assistance of the Director of Publications, has a key role to play in the furtherance of the ISS in the maintaining and updating of the ISS website and, possibly, other internet venues, such as a listserv, quote hotline, and chat room.   Most of the ISS documents of record, such as minutes of meetings, the membership list, balloting results, reports by officers, the Treasurer’s Annual Report, etc., shall be available to all members on the ISS website and accessible by password only, and members shall be notified that this is so.  The Webmaster should always be looking for ways to bring new technology to bear on the operation of the website and other internet venues, especially that which enhances communication and information-sharing among members.  The Webmaster is the chief facilitator of the interchange among members that should be the life of the organization.


2. THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATIONS.  The Director of Publications shall be appointed by the President, with majority approval by the Executive Committee, after consultation with the Advisory Committee.  The Director shall be in control of all matters having to do with the selection of materials to be published and the means by which they are published but in this must follow policies and budgets established by the Executive Committee.  The Director may petition the Executive Committee for a change of policy or budget change but may not initiate or change policy or budgets. 




A. STAGGERED TERMS: Initially, the Acting President, with the majority approval of the Founding Members, shall appoint the original members of the ISS Council, including officers, to staggered terms (1/3 for 3-year terms, 1/3 for 2-year terms, 1/3 for a 1-year term), so that when elections or new appointments are made for 3-year terms, approximately only one-third of either of the Council’s two subcommittees will be replaced in a single election.


B. LENGTH OF TERMS:  After the initial appointments for staggered terms, members of the ISS Council shall be, in the case of the Advisory Committee. appointed or, in the case of the Executive Committee, elected by the membership at large for three-year terms.  Terms will begin on January 1 of the year the term begins and end on December 31 of the year the term ends.  No one may serve more than two consecutive terms in any given office.  Presidents rotating off are expected to serve on the Advisory Committee for a three-year term.




A.  NOMINATION PROCEDURES: Early in the year in which any election is to take place, the President, with majority approval (of those voting) of the entire Council, shall appoint a 4-member Nominating Committee, which shall oversee all aspects of elections.  It shall be chaired by the Recording Secretary, who will vote to break ties.  Starting in August, the Nominating Committee will endeavor to find at least two candidates for each office up for election, after polling the membership at large for suggestions, including self-nominations  Candidates must be given job descriptions of the office they are nominated for and must agree (in writing) to their names being placed in nomination. 


B. CAMPAIGNING: Members nominated for office may post on the ISS website a statement of their positions.


C. VOTING PROCEDURES: A simple majority of those voting in the membership at large elects a member to office. If there are more than two candidates for an office, votes shall be weighted so that run-offs are unnecessary. The membership shall receive by regular mail in October the list of nominations for any given office, a paper ballot that can be anonymously marked and mailed back to the Nominating Committee, and a due date that is to be followed strictly, postmarks applying. In November, the Nominating Committee, chaired by the Recording Secretary, shall count and report the votes to the entire membership. Records of voting are to be retained and filed but kept as anonymous as possible.


BYLAW IV.   MEETINGS & QUORUMS:  There may be two kinds of meetings--General Meetings of the membership at large, and committee meetings of the ISS Council, its subcommittees, the Nominating Committee, and whatever ad hoc committees are appointed.   


A. General Meetings of the membership at large are not mandated but should be held, as much as possible, in concurrence with Shaw conferences or other appropriate professional meetings.  Since all matters on which the membership at large are eligible to vote are to be decided by a majority of those returning mailed paper ballots by a specified date, it shall be understood that no vote taken at a General Meeting is anything but advisory.  Therefore quorums are not an issue for General Meetings. Members will also have a listserv to use for communication within the ISS and to make their voices heard.


B.  Meetings of the ISS Executive Committee, the Advisory Committee, and the entire ISS Council are strongly recommended but not mandated, given how far-flung members of the ISS are likely to be and how technology has overcome these distances.   Such meetings should be held, as much as possible, in concurrence with Shaw conferences or other appropriate professional meetings.  .


1. Executive Committee Voting Procedures: A simple majority of those officers voting shall be sufficient to pass most measures and motions, with the exception of approval of an amendment to this document (see “Article XII-Amendments” below). However, the President shall make every effort to get the vote of all five members of the Executive Committee, whether in an actual meeting or otherwise.  Discussions on matters to be voted on by the Executive Committee may take place on a public listserv or in a conference call in which all involved may voice opinions, view or hear the opinions of others, and respond to them before votes are taken. Votes may be also be taken by telephone or email if pre-arranged and agreed upon by the Executive Committee and all members of the committee have opportunity to discuss the issue to be voted on and to hear or see the vote.  Since all 5 members of the Executive Committee are expected to vote on most issues, quorums will only be at issue when a committee member is too ill to vote or unable to communicate a vote.  In those exceptional cases, a simple majority of those able to vote shall rule.  In the event of a tie vote which the President is unable or unwilling to break, the Advisory Committee shall be polled, and a majority vote (of those voting) shall break the tie.


2.  Advisory Committee and Council Voting Procedures: Meetings of the larger and even more far-flung Advisory Committee or the entire Council will probably not occur often, and thus their votes and discussions will most often occur on a listserv, complemented by telephones, fax, and other means of communication. Their advice to the Executive Committee and the membership at large shall be published on the website in the form of majority and, if applicable, minority opinions, but their votes are not binding on the ISS or the Executive Committee, except as noted in this document.


BYLAW V.  FISCAL POLICY:    The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.  Standard fiscal policies are as follows:


A. The Treasurer shall assist the President in preparing an annual projected budget and whatever tax documents are required by law.  As soon after a fiscal/calendar year has passed and no later than the end of January, the Treasurer (even if outgoing) shall present to the Executive Committee and the Advisory Committee an Annual Treasurer’s Report that itemizes and sums up income and expenditure for the entire past year, and that provides a general summary of the financial condition of the ISS to date, which, upon approval by the Executive Committee, is then to be sent to the entire membership by mail and posted on the ISS website.  At the discretion of the officers other than the Treasurer or upon the request of the membership at large, the ISS may appoint a firm of accountants (or the equivalent) to audit the financial records of the Society.


B.  All checks, drafts, demands for money, and notes of the ISS and all written contracts of the ISS shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents, as the ISS Council (by majority vote of those voting) shall designate.


C.  All assets, dues, earnings, and contributions accruing to the ISS shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, including payment of expenses incidental thereto.  No part of the assets of the ISS may be distributed to any officer, member of the ISS Council, or any private individual. This provision shall not be construed to prohibit reimbursement of legitimate expenses incurred by members of the ISS, payment of reasonable compensation for services rendered to the ISS when duly authorized in accordance with these Articles, and the awarding of prizes and awards of an honorary nature (i.e., no money is involved). That is, no elected or appointed member of the Council may receive money from prizes or awards or their like from the ISS during a term in ISS office.


D. Officers of the ISS shall be reimbursed on demand for out-of-pocket expenses necessary to the transaction of ISS business up to a total of $100 per annum.  Expenditures by officers that exceed that limit must be approved by the ISS Council (by majority vote of those voting). 




A. RESIGNATIONS AND SUBSTITUTES: All resignations shall be submitted in writing to the President and submitted for action by the Executive Committee. Whether a resignation has been officially submitted or not, if any officer or member of a committee is unable to perform the duties of office, for the rest of the term or for a part of the term, the Executive Committee by majority vote shall appoint a substitute to finish the term of office or for a specified period.  If the vacancy occurs early in the term of an officer, the Executive Committee may ask for a special election to be held. 


B. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS OR COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Officers or committee members may be removed if good cause is found, such as an unwillingness or inability to perform the duties of the office or to perform them in a timely matter, or for unprofessional conduct.   Any member can petition the Executive Committee to have an officer or committee member removed but must provide a reasonable explanation for the petition.  The officer or committee member in question must be given opportunity to reply to the petition.  Thereafter an officer or committee member can be removed by a majority vote (of those voting) of the ISS Council, if ratified by a 2/3rds vote (of those voting) in the membership at large.


BYLAW VII. AMENDMENTS: These Articles of Incorporation shall also serve as bylaws for the ISS and shall thus be subject to amendment.  Any member may submit a proposal for an amendment, along with the argument for it, to the President at any time, and the President shall see that the amendment and its argument are fully considered by the ISS Council, and, if approved by the Council for balloting by a two-thirds majority, be submitted to the membership for a vote within a year of submission, a two-thirds majority of members voting being necessary for approval.  If an amendment passes, then the President shall see that the Articles (or bylaws) are rewritten to accommodate the change.  Amendments should be added in a special section at the end of this document and referred to in the body of the text where it is appropriate to do so.  


BYLAW VIII.  LISTINGS OF MEMBERS:  A list of all members shall be published annually, but a special listing of the Founding Members, the Financial Founders, the Sponsors, and the Lifetime Memberships (or whatever other special memberships are created) shall be posted on the ISS website, in the member’s section only, if permission is granted.










PLEASE NOTE: A RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION,” in Compliance with State of Florida Chapter 617, F.S. (Not for Profit) and Statue 6171007, was approved by the State of Florida on November 13, 2003 and by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America on January 30, 2004.   See the original documents for signatures and stamps of certification.