Wednesday, March 17 (Hilton Garden Inn)


6-8 pm

St. Patrick’s Day reception & registration at the hotel.

Pick up conference packet. 


Thursday, March 18

(College Hall, USF Bayfront Campus)


8 am on

Registration at College Hall.   Pick up conference packet.


9 am

Welcome to the conference by hosts.

Music Room a


9:15 am

Keynote Speaker: Stanley Weintraub

“Shaw for the Here and Now”

Music Room


BREAK (15 Minutes)


10:30  to noon

Session 1: “Shaw for Now and the Future?”

Chaired by R. F. Dietrich, USF                       

Music Room

10:30 am

"Shaw Now and in 2100 with Einstein and God,” by Charles Berst, UCLA

11:00 am

“Shaw the Unintended Pedagogue,” by Michael O’Hara, Ball State U.

11:30 am

TBA, by Dan H. Laurence, Shavian Emeritus


Noon to 1:00 pm   

Lunch on your own  (sandwiches & salads will be for sale in the lobby for picnics on the lawn by the bay.  Or visit the Banyan Tree Café on the grounds of the Ringling Museum.)


1 to 2:30 pm

Session 2: “Shaw for Now and the Future?”(continued)

Chaired by Lagretta Lenker, USF    

Music Room


“Universals & Ideology: Shaw’s Critique of Liberal Humanism,” by Peter Gahan, Trinity College


“Economics of the Gift: Shaw, Ricoeur, and the Poetics of the Ethical Life,” by Howard Einsohn, Middlesex Community College, CT


“Shaw wit flava: Universality, Authenticity, and the Hip Hop Aesthetics of Bernard Shaw,” by John Harris, U. of North Carolina.


BREAK (15 minutes)

2:45 to 4:30 pm

Session 3—“Shaw’s Progeny”

Chaired by Jean Reynolds, Polk Community College

      Music Room


“J. M. Synge and the Reconfiguration of G. B. Shaw in The Playboy,” by Nelson Ritschel, Massachusetts Maritime Academy



“Shaw and Granville Barker: Then and Now,” by Bob Gaines, Auburn U. at Montgomery


“Are There Sons of Shaw?  The Problematic Case of Mr. Priestley,” by John Shout, SUNY at Plattsburgh


Cashel Byron’s Profession: Catalyst to Friendship as Life Imitates Art,” by Jay Tunney, NYC


4:30 to 7:30  pm

Dinner on your own.   (Hilton Restaurant open from 6 to 10.  Café of the Arts also recommended)


7:30 pm

After dinner, be entertained and enlightened by

“The First Annual ‘My Fair Lady’ Contest (so to speak):

 Creative Writing Responses to Shaw and His Work” 

Music Room

7:30 pm

Undermined: A Playwright’s Centenary Tribute to Major Barbara, by Cary Barney, Saint Louis U., Madrid.

8:10 pm

“A Musical Sampling of Wealth, And How Not to Avoid It,” based on Major Barbara, by Charlie Mehler, Kansas State U.

8:50 pm

“Samplings of Sherlock and Shaw: The Adventure of the Missing Vampire Diaries,” by Aubrey Hampton, from Tampa’s Gorilla Theatre.  (Pending)



Friday, March 19 (College Hall)


8:30 am on

Registration.   Pick up conference packet.


9 am

Plenary Speaker: Bernard Dukore

“Machiavelli, the Shark,

and the Tinpot Tragedienne”

Music Room


BREAK (15 minutes)


10:15 am to 12:30 pm

Session 4


Chaired by Gale Larson,

California State U, Northridge

Music Room

Session 5


Chaired by Mary Ann Crawford, Central Michigan U.

“The Dining Room”

10:15 am

Heartbreak House: Making War on War,” by Lagretta Lenker, USF.

“St. Bernard to the Rescue of the Chinese Theater: Major Barbara in Beijing, 1991,” by Wendi Chen, Minneapolis Community and Technical College

10:40 am

From Erewhon to Major Barbara:

Samuel Butler and the Antecedents of Shaw’s Thought,” by Albert Braverman, M.D. at Downstate Medical College, SUNY

“Shaw Envisions the 20th C.: Major Barbara and Pygmalion as Projected History,” by Nicholas Williams, Saitama Institute, Japan.

11:05 am

Major Barbara: Shaw’s Republic,” by Sidney Albert, Emeritus at California State U, Los Angeles.

Pygmalion as a Narrative Bridge Between the Centuries,” Vicki Kennell, Purdue U.


“Shaw’s Saint Joan: A ‘Platonian’ Tragedy,” by P. S. Sri, Royal Military College of Canada

“Correcting the Professor in Pygmalion,” by Frank Donoghue, Ohio State U.


“The Talking Cure: Freud, Lacan, Henry, and Eliza,” by Jean Reynolds, Polk Community College.

“Of Saints and Monsters: Shaw’s Saint Joan as Teratography,” by Sasha Normand, USF.


12:30 to 1:30 

Lunch on your own (sandwiches & salads for sale in the lobby).


1:30 to 2:30

Special Guest Speakers:

Eric Bentley interviewed by Sally Peters

“Eric Bentley & Bernard Shaw”

Music Room

30 minutes

BREAK & Book Signing


3:00 to 5:00 pm

Session 6

“Victorian/Edwardian Shaw”

Chaired by Stuart Baker, FSU

Music Room

Session 7

“Shaw and the Stage”

Chaired by Nancy Cole, USF

“The Dining Room”

3:00 pm

“Who Was Phillipa Summers?  Reflections on Vivie Warren’s Cambridge,” by Leonard Conolly, Trent U.

“When Present Becomes Distant: Shaw on the Contemporary Stage,” by Arthur Horowitz, California Institute of the Arts

3:30 pm

“Lesbian Representations in Mrs. Warren’s Profession,” by Kim Hanna,  USF.

“Tear Down the 4th Wall: Rethinking Contemporary Production Choices of Shaw’s Plays,” by Lisa Wilde, Yale School of Drama & Rep Stage in Columbia, MD.

4:00 pm

“A Geographical Consciousness: John Bull’s Other Island and Diasporic Identity,” by Gary Richardson, Mercer U.

“Who’s Modern Now?  Shaw, Joyce, and Ibsen’s When We Dead Awaken,  by Kathy Ochshorn, U. of Tampa.

4:30 pm

“Social Critique and Serious Comedy in You Never Can Tell,” by Miriam Chirico, Eastern Connecticut State U.

“From the Festival of Dionysus to Malvern, by way of Bayreuth: Shaw’s Development of the Modern Cycle Play” by Julie Sparks, U. of Arkansas, Monticello.


5 to 7 pm                     BREAK


7:00 pm

Reception & Banquet at College Hall, followed by Anthony Wynn’s “Bernard and Bosie: A Most Unlikely Friendship,” starring Barry Morse and Hayward Morse.







Saturday, March 20 (College Hall, USF Bayfront Campus)



9:00 am

Plenary Speaker: Don Wilmeth

The Millionairess: A Remarkable Piece of Bravura:”

Music Room


BREAK (15 Minutes)


10 to 11 am

Session 8: “Panel on The Millionairess

Chaired by R. F. Dietrich

Music Room

10:00 am

”Shaw’s Sense of Two Endings in The Millionairess,” by Norma Jenckes, U. of Cincinnati.

10:25 am

The Millionairess: Shaw’s Insinuations on Feminism and Marriage,” by Tracy Collins, Purdue U.

10:45 am

“Goodbye Epifania; Hello Dolly: Carol Channing’s Lucky Break,” by Charlie Mehler, Kansas State U.


BREAK (15 minutes)


11:15 am to 1:00 pm

Session  9—“Untitled”

Chaired by R. F. Dietrich

Music Room

11:15 am

“How Do You Find Out What’s Written on Shaw?” by Charles. A. Carpenter,  Bibliographer Emeritus at Binghamton U.  


11:40 am

“‘The Bourgeois Superman:’ The 1930s Attack on Shaw from the Left,” by Rosemarie Rowley, Senior College, Dun Laoghire, Co. Dublin.  (Pending)


12:05 pm

“Shaw Responds to Shaw Bashing,” John Bertolini, Middlebury College


12:30 pm

“Print Culture and Censored, Unpublished, and Embedded Shaw: Shavian Analysis of Media in War Time,” Daniel O’Leary, U. of British Columbia.



1 to 2 pm

Lunch on your own (sandwiches & salads for sale in the lobby)



2 to 3:30 pm

Session 10: “SHAW ABROAD”

Chaired by Rodelle Weintraub

Music Room

Session 11: “Miscellaneous Shaw”

Chaired by John Pfeiffer, Central Michigan U.

“The Dining Room”

2:00 pm

“Shaw’s Contributions to the Culture and Politics of fin de siėcle Vienna,” Hannes Schweiger, U. of Vienna.

“’Old Gentlemen:’ Age Differences as Plot Subversion in Shaw’s Plays,” Valerie Lipscomb, USF.

2:25 pm

“In Pursuit of Perfection: Shaw and the Indian Connection,” Gautam Sengupta, Gurudas College, U. of Calcutta.

“Shaw Among the Shopgirls,” Rebecca Cameron, U. of Saskatchewan. “

2:50 pm

“Shaw and China: Universality, Particularity, and Cultural Globalization,” Kay Li, U. of Toronto.

“Dick Dudgeon and Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne: Evolution Towards the Superman?” by Glenda Cimino, Liberties College, Dublin  (Pending)

3:15 pm

“Shaw, Vernon Lee, and the Cosmopolitan Intellectual of WWI,” by Christa Zorn, Indiana U. Southeast.



3:45 to 5:00 pm            BREAK



5:00 to 6:00 pm

In the Cook Theatre at the Asolo. Eric Bentley will be interviewed on “Two Shaw Plays of the Late Thirties, Geneva and The Millionairess by Gil Lazier, Director of the Asolo Conservatory for Actor Training.  

30 minutes

BREAK & Book Signing


   6:30 to 7:30

Buffet Dinner in the Mertz Theatre Mezzanine--$20 extra.  Send checks to

R. F. Dietrich, 14429 Wadsworth Dr, Odessa, FL 33556.


8:00 pm

Shaw’s The Millionairess at the Asolo Theatre.                Discount Price to Conference: $37; $25 for students.


Sunday, March 21 (Hilton Garden Inn)


9 to 10 am

Business Meeting of the International Shaw Society. 

Non-members welcome.  (Music Room or Hilton Hotel--TBA)

10 to 11 am

Meeting of the ISS Council.  Dietrich’s Room.


Please note that Eric Bentley’s appearance at this conference was made possible by grants from The Asolo Theatre, The Humanities Institute of the University of South Florida, William Scheuerle Director, and the Gorilla Theatre of Tampa, under the direction of Aubrey Hampton and Susan Hussey.


Things to do if you’re staying an extra day or two or coming early:


1.  Visit the Ringling Museum of Art.

2.  Visit the Ringling Museum of the Circus.

3.  See something at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Center.

3.  Visit the Classic Car Museum.

4.  See another play at the Asolo Theatre.

4.  Visit the beaches off Sarasota.

5.  We particularly recommend that you Visit The Gorilla Theatre in Tampa (not far from the airport if you’re flying out of TPA), where Shaw enthusiast Aubrey Hampton’s Sherlock and Shaw: The Adventure of the Missing Vampire Diaries will have its world premiere.  Here’s the answer to how Bram Stoker came to write Dracula whilst working for Henry Irving at the Lyceum.  There’s a matinee on Sunday, March 21, that you could catch while waiting for your plane to leave, but for tickets and information, call their box office at 813-879-2914 or go to their website at  or, more specifically, For directions, go to  The address is 4419 N. Hubert Ave.