Engineering >> Other

Making a Rolling Square

by Coby Vorasane


Submitted : Spring 2021


A road accessible for a wheel of even a square shape and the measure of the road for the square to be completely stable at a constant height as the wheel runs along the road is what I was looking to discover. Finding the center of the square to the point of contact within the road and the distance that the square will roll is what I looked for in this project. Finding the length and height of the catenary is what is focused on during this project for the square wheels to function properly. The catenary must have an arc-length equal to that of one of the sides of the square to roll without any bumps during the test. In the end, I found that it was indeed possible to create a road accessible for a square wheel to run smoothly on.




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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Liliana Clark, Mechanical Engineering
Suggested By :
Robert Lopez