Engineering >> Civil & Environmental Engineering

Corn Bin Experiment

by Murilo Ito


Submitted : Spring 2021

This project is part of the course MAC2282.902 held by Arcadii Grinshpan at the University of South Florida, Tampa Campus, and it is called Applied Calculus Project. For this project, I had my Subject Area Advisor, CEO of the company called Suntech Brazil who also owns a farm in Brazil, to give me a problem and he gave me one based on an idea he has for his farm. The problem is that he has built a corn bin but does not know how much corn can fit inside the corn, in other words, the maximum volume of the corn bin. Therefore, by the end of this project, the volume of the corn bin based on the measurements he gave me and the amount of corn that fit inside the bin will be calculated. 



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Ricardo Ito, CEO of Suntech Brazil
Suggested By :
Ricardo Ito