Engineering >> Mechanical Engineering

Vertical Uplift in Drones

by Husain Meqwar


Submitted : Spring 2020

The use of quadcopter faces many limitations, such as the falling of the planes. Other challenges include battery durability and extreme weather. Studies continue to address these issues in order to improve the efficiency of using drones. The drones are useful in many fields, such as military operations, tourism, photography, and private surveillance. The increase in their demand calls for more understanding of their movement. The movement of drones includes forward movement, thrust upwards, and rotation. Drones will make use of
rotors for control. The moving blades push air, and the air will then push the drone. The lift of drone will be as a result of hoe the air flows. The vertical movement will either be lift, descent, or just hovering. In hovering, the principle is to ensure that thrust will be equal to the gravitational pull on the drone. In most cases, hovering will be useful when the users of the drones want to get more time to conduct their study and analysis. The factors that affect the movement of the drone include propeller type and weight. This will determine how high and how long the drone will fly. The factors of the drone’s designs considered in this study are
the velocity angle in relation to thrust. The varying factors in a rotor, such as efficiency and voltage, will also determine the drones’ movement. To get a good understanding of the drone uplift, spinning and rotations require consideration of all the above parameters. For an in depth analysis, the project applies various principles; Newton law to explain forces and their resulting effects. Archimedes law to define the upward thrust as the drone displaces the fluids
it interacts with, which in this case is air. Pascal’s laws to explain the pressure on the drone. And lastly, Bernoulli’s principle to establish the effects of this pressure on the velocity. 



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Saleh Meqwar, Mechanical engineer
Suggested By :
Saleh Meqwar