Engineering >> Mechanical Engineering

The Application of Calculus to Aerodynamics

by Nicholas Arana


Submitted : Fall 2019

This project was created with the intention of informing people about one of the most magnificent wonders of the world: Aerodynamics and flight.  There are many people who fear flying and this is usually due to the misconceptions and lack of knowledge.  Knowing this, I want to show people how flight works and how engineering and mathematics is applied.  Throughout the project I examine how an aircraft’s wing area can influence the amount of lift which is generated.  Lift is the force that allows aircraft to get airborne.  I will use techniques of integration for the mathematical approach and also apply some knowledge of physics. 



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Nick Bischoff, BobCAD-CAM
Suggested By :
Nick Bischoff