Engineering >> Mechanical Engineering

Calculus in Flaring

by Alexander Cummings


Submitted : Fall 2019


This report is about the use of rotations of solids to find the surface area of a physical object in order to calculate the maximum force applied to said object. The purpose, or objective, of this project was to contemplate potential reasons for the causation of cracking in the flaring process and calculate the problem using mathematics. The process involved in this experiment was to first contemplate reasons for the causation of cracking and to then calculate the most prominent problem to find a potential solution. The calculations were done through the use of rotation of solids to find the surface area of a flared tube. From all this, it was found that a major influencer on flaring problems is an excess of force and, after calculations, that our tube can withstand up to 7036 PSI/in^2.




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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Sarah Zhong, Mechanical Engineering
Suggested By :
Suresh Choudhary