Medicine >> Other

Bifuraction of Blood Vessels and Vascularity in the Human Body

by Tyler Holets


Submitted : Fall 2013

In order to understand certain mathematical applications with regard to the development and physiological processes of the cardiovascular system, multiple equations were derived from and based on the physics of fluid dynamics. These equations determined not only the ways in which a change in the radius of a blood vessel impacts the amount of blood flow per unit time, but also the angles at which blood vessels must separate in order to optimize the flow of blood. It was observed through the calculations that even small changes to the radius of a blood vessel had a great impact on the amount of fluid flow, and that bifurcating blood vessels separate at larger angles if the branching vessel is smaller in comparison to the original blood vessel. It was concluded that the property of blood vessels which allows such a small amount of blood to flow after vasoconstriction could be both beneficial and detrimental to the body, depending on the circumstances; and also that the bifurcation of blood vessels depending on their relative radius could be observed anatomically.

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Advisors :
Vindya Pathirana Arachchilage, Mathematics and Statistics
Gordon Fox, Integrative Biology
Suggested By :
Gordon Fox