Funded Research Grants and Contracts: (new and active grants in blue)

National Science Foundation: Acquisition of a Quadrupole Reaction Cell ICP-MS System, $260,000. (Awarded March 15, 2007)

National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Using MARGINS Research Data Resources in the Classroom: Developing and Testing Multidisciplinary Mini-Lessons. $16,200 (Subaward) (12/1/06-11/30/08

National Science Foundation: Preparing Undergraduates for Research: Examining the use of Remote Instrumentation in Earth and Planetary Science Classrooms. $107,865.  (12/1/06-11/30/09)

National Science Foundation: "The Role of the Slab and the Mantle in Arc Petrogenesis: A Li-Be-B and Li Isotope Study of Off-Axis Volcanoes in Mexico and Guatemala" $147,000 (3/1/03-2/28/08)

Texas A&M Research Foundation (JOI-USSSP)(10/1/01-8/31/04): "The Role of the Forearc in Subduction Zone Chemical Cycles: Fluid-Mobile Element and B-Li isotope signatures of serpentinites from S. Chamorro Seamount, ODP Leg 195"

National Science Foundation (5/1/00-12/31/02): "Collaborative Research: REU: An integrated field-laboratory experience for undergraduates: Constraints on the evolution of Blue Ridge mafic/ultramafic massifs"

National Science Foundation (2/15/2000-6/30/03)  "The Search for Subducted Components in the Mantle: A Boron and Lithium Isotope, and Fluid Mobile Element Study of Mount Erebus"

National Science Foundation (9/1/99-8/31/02) "The Role of the Forearc in Subduction Zone Chemical Cycles - Insights from Diapiric Serpentinites, Mariana Forearc" (w/ REU Supplement

National Science Foundation (9/1/99-8/31/00)  "Acquisition of an Electron Probe Microanalyzer: a Regional Facility" [Collaborative grant with G. Sen, FIU, M. Perfit, UF, and V.Salters, FSU].

Florida Department of Transportation (9/1/98- 4/30/01) "Testing Protocol Program for Street Sweeping"

National Science Foundation (4/1/97-3/31/99):  "REU: An integrated field-laboratory experience for undergraduates: Constraints on the tectonic evolution of ultramafic massifs in the Southern Blue Ridge"

Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (4/1/97_4/1/98): "Chemical Characteristics of Street Sweepings in Florida Cities"

Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (4/1/96_4/1/97): "Baseline chemical analyses of Florida soils"

National Science Foundation (6/1/92): "Chemical Recycling in Subduction Zones: B, Li, and 10/9Be Systematics in Rocks from Forearc Regions (with REU Supplement)"

National Science Foundation (9/15/93) "Acquisition of a Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer"

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