REU 2000-2002 Presentations at the GSA Annual Meetings, and the CUR Biannual Conference
"Mafic and Ultramafic rocks of the Olistostromal assemblages of the Blue Ridge in SW NC: insights into Convergent Margin Processes of the Paleozoic ": Ryan, J.G., Peterson, V. L, Yurkovich, S.P., Burr, J.L., Kruse, S.E. Presented at the 2001 GSA Annual Meeting in Boston, MA.
"Rare-earth element systematics of Webster-Addie/Willits/Balsam Gap mafic and ultramafic rocks" Soraruf, R., Ryan, J., and the 2001 REU Site Program Participants Presented at the 2002 GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
"Undergraduate research mentoring in geochemistry: one-on-one versus group-based approaches" Ryan, J., and Harden, J. Presented at the 2002 GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
"A successful collaborative field-laboratory summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program in Geosciences" Peterson, V. L., Ryan, J. G., Yurkovich, S., Kruse, Sarah, and Burr, J. Presented at the 2002 CUR Biannual Conference, New London, CT
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