CHM2030-001 Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
Fall Semester, 2001
Meeting Time: T/R 12:00–1:50 PM (2 lecture hours); Place: CHE111
No credit for science majors!

Dr. Li-June Ming, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Office: BSF 303 Phone: 4-2220
Office Hours: T/R 11:00–12:00 and 2:00–3:00

(A) Ira Blei and George Odian. Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry; Freeman, New York, 2000
      (The textbook, a study guide, and a solution manual are available at USF book store.)
(B) Timothy Smith and Diane Vukovich Allied Health Chemistry, A Companion; Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997.

NOT REQUIRED: The CHM2045 textbook can be a reference book for more detailed discussion on the subjects of general chemistry, and the textbook for CHM2021 can be an additional reading.

To provide fundamental concepts about chemistry and applications of the concepts for better understanding of the material world and the biological systems, such as solutions, material properties, molecular structures, radiation, hydrogen-bond in proteins and DNA, how hemoglobin and myoglobin function cooperatively, how drug function properly; how energy are generated in our body, the difference between X-ray and MRI, the mechanism for the antitumor activities of cisplatin, adriamycin, and bleomycin, the mechanism for the action of HIV protease inhibitors, the similarities and differences between "synthetic" vitamins and "natural" vitamins, gene-coded diseases, and many more…

There are no pre-requisite courses. However, you must know how to use your calculators (cf. Textbook B, Chapter 3 as well as the manuals of your calculators), know how to do simple conversions (cf. Textbook B, Chapters 4-6 and 9), and know basic algebra concepts (cf. Textbook B, Chapter 7). For example: find the answers for the following questions to check if you know your calculators and basic algebra well enough (answers after the questions):
(1) 10–6/4 ´ 103
(2) 6.02 ´ 1023 ´ 5 ´ 10–6
(3) 1 mg is ______ g, and 1 m g is _______ g.
(4) 1 mole of water is 18 g, what is the mass of 0.25 mole water? How many moles are in 90 g water? How many moles are in x g water? (Same as the following: 1 pound of apple is 18 cents, how much does it cost for 0.25 pounds of apple? How many pounds you can buy with 90 cents? How about with x cents?)
(5) The relationship of X, Y, and Z is X = Y ´ Z. Which two are proportional to each other, and which two inversely proportional to each other?
(6) You don’t even need to know the definition of "log" to do simple calculations involving log on your calculators (but, would be better if you know!). The commonly used scale of "pH" is defined as –log[H+], in which [H+] is the proton (or hydrogen ion) concentration in M. When [H+] = 2.0 ´ 10–7, what is the pH?
(7) Since pH = –log[H+], [H+] can be obtained as [H+] = 10–pH. What is the proton concentration of a pH = 3 solution? The proton concentration of a pH 6 solution is _____ times (NOT 2 and NOT 1/2!!) that of the pH 3 solution.
(8) Here is a good one: If you invest ONLY $500 in a mutual fund now, how much money you will have when you retire 40 years later, assuming an average annual return of 20%? How about a 25% or a 30% return? (You’ll see the power of exponential increase from this example!)
(9) Similar to question (5), how about the equation PV = nRT?
(10) Find out the average (mean value) and standard deviation of the two data sets using your scientific calculator (A ~$10 calculator would do the job!): (a) 100.1, 101.0, 100.5, 99.5, 99.8, 99.2, 100.0, 100.6,100.1, 99.8, 100.0, 100.2, 99.9 and (b) 101, 105, 95, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 99, 100, 104, 97.
(11) (a) 1 mile is about 1.6 km. The speed of 70 mph (mile/hr) is about ____ km/hr. (b) 1 kg is about 2.2 lb (pounds), 5 lb cheese is about ____ g. (c) 1 gallon is about 3.8 L (liters), 500mL is about ____ gallons. (d) 1 light year is the distance (NOT the TIME!!) that light travels for 1 year. The speed of light is about 3 ´ 105 km/s (or more accurately 299,792,458 m/s). What is a light year in km? And in miles? (Hint: How many seconds are in a year?) (e) What is 100 ºF in ºC? –40 ºF in ºC? 90 ºF in ºC? 100 K (Kelvin = ºC + 273) in ºC? 4 K (liquid He temperature) in ºC?

Answers: (1) 2.5 ´ 10–10; (2) 3.01 ´ 1018; (3) 0.001 g (or 10–3 g) and 10–6 g; (4) 4.5 g, 5 moles, and x/18 moles; (5) X and Y as well as X and Z are proportional to each other, and Y and Z are inversely proportional to each other. (6) pH = 6.7; (7) 10–3 M (or 1 mM); 10–3 (or 0.001); (8) $734,885.77; $3,761,581.9; and $18,059,432 (Amazing, isn’t it?) (9) This is the ideal gas law we’ll be discussing. P is inversely proportional to V, but proportional to n as well as T, etc. (10) (a) 100.05 and 0.45, (b) 100.25 and 2.80 (Note that significant figures are not taken into consideration here.) (11a) 112 km/hr; (b) 2273 g; (c) 0.13 gallons; (d) 9.5 ´ 1012 km; 5.9 ´ 1012 miles; (e) 37.8 ºC; –40 ºC; 173 K; –269 ºC

(i) There will be 4 tests which count 60% toward the final grade. Later tests will contain materials from the previous tests. Only the three highest scores will be taken into calculation for the final grade. The tests will contain materials from the textbooks and subjects/topics discussed in the lectures. The questions in the tests will be taken from "practice questions", lectures and notes, and the text books.
(ii) The final examination counts 40%, which will include most materials taken from the 4 tests. Your performance on the final examination will be taken into consideration for upgrading marginal grades.
(ii) A’s: >80% (A+: >90%); B’s: 70–80%; C’s: ~60–70%; D’s: ~50–60%; and F: <50% (For example, B ~70%, B ~75%, and B+ ~80%, etc.)
NOTE: There will be no make-up tests. Your grade will be determined by the 4 tests and the final examination. The tests/final that you miss are counted as zeros toward the final grade. You must inform the professor (with proof) about emergencies happened on the test days for exceptions.

(i) Spend at least the number of hours that is equivalent to double the credit hours (according to the University guidelines for undergraduate study) for studying the course, i.e., at least 8 hours a week (i.e., just about 1 hr/d).
(ii) In order to learn more in a lecture, students MUST prepare themselves the basic background for the lecture. Reading the lecture materials prior to the lecture can prepare a student to understand the lecture materials better. Be aware that it is impossible that one can come to a lecture unprepared and learn a big deal of the materials in the lecture!
(iii) After the lecture, find some time to review the course/lecture materials to "enhance the images" about the materials. Repetition is one simple way to remember what you are not familiar with.
(iv) Work on the Exercises after each Chapter in the textbooks, at least those with answers (and explanations in the Student Solutions Manual), as well as homework posted on the Web for the preparation of the tests, and study all the tests well for the final examination.